Lots of Industry Education Available to Planners Right Now
June 1, 2018SHARE:
For meeting, convention and incentive planners who want to improve the effectiveness of their event-planning processes, improve the quality of the attendee experience at their events, and improve their own prospects for career advancement, June is always the best month to focus on those objectives.
Why? Because Professional Convention Management Association holds its annual Education Conference in early June; this year it’s happening in Cleveland. Meanwhile, Meeting Professionals International holds its World Education Congress in mid-June every year, with Indianapolis the host destination this time.
Between the innovative meeting formats, seasoned presenters, and opportunities for detailed conversation among fellow planners from around North America, these two conferences are so valuable for broadening your thinking about how to plan and execute events, and improving your events so that your attendees and your bosses are happy with your work.
Actually, all the sales and service people who focus on meeting and incentive groups here at All Inclusive Collection routinely share event ideas across our properties in order to provide unique yet seamless experiences to our meeting and incentive groups. And if a planner using one of our properties has a question that a manager on site hasn’t encountered before, we can quickly put the query out to the sales, service and catering managers at our other properties and get an answer that works for that group. This is the advantage meeting and incentive groups have when using the All Inclusive Collection—there’s plenty of intellect and real-world experience to tap into.
One other educational development taking place this month: PCMA’s online media outlet, called Convene, releases its 2018 Salary Survey for the meeting, incentive and trade show market. The report goes a long way towards educating planners on how they stack up versus their colleagues in this business. Here are a few juicy survey results:
- Responding planners work an average of 46 hours per week, with nearly one-quarter of them regularly working more than 50 hours per week. And just 20 percent said they took all of their allotted vacation and personal days last year. Even so, 70 percent of respondents said they are satisfied with their jobs.
- Seventy-two percent of respondents said they received a salary raise last year—but 58 percent said that raise was less than five percent. The average salary for all respondents: $83,782.
Between the big educational conferences and the Convene salary survey, there is a lot of opportunity for planners to learn more about their work and their potential for additional compensation. I hope you take advantage of these educational opportunities–and please feel free to contact me or a director of sales or conference services at one of our All Inclusive Collection properties to learn more about how we can help you create the best event possible.
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